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7025 vs 12AX7A vs 12AX7 What is the difference between any of these three vacuum tubes? · 12AX7 vs 12AU7 Thread starter JohnnyGoo;12AX7 (also known as ECC) is a vacuum tube that is a miniature dualtriode 6AV6 with high voltage gainDeveloped around 1946 by RCA engineers in Camden, New Jersey, under developmental number 522, it was released for public sale under the 12AX7 identifier on September 15, 1947 The 12AX7 was originally intended as replacement for the 6SL7 family of

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7025 12ax7 difference- · avspecialist said ↑ Basically in the older days, the 7025 was a selected 12ax7 for noise and generally considered an industrial version or the 12ax7 The 7025 was a more robust version of the 12AX7, often used in military applications (aircraft comm, radar, etc) · Review – Preferred Series 7025 / 12AX7 Tube 411 pm John Templeton / March 18, 16 The Preferred Series 7025 is a great sounding 12AX7 tube type that reminds me a little more of the ECC that EI made in the old days That's a pretty nice compliment

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Start date Feb 3, 17;7025 Hifi low noise version of the 12AX7 with all other specifications being the same as 12AX7 Tubes marked with both 12AX7 and 7025 are usually low noise as well 5751 Military version/drop in replacement for the 12AX7, but is actually different The 5751 has identical plate resistance to the 12AX7, but the gain is 70 compared to 100 for the 12AX7 Early production 5751 have extra12AX7/ECC/7025 Socket Noval(9 Pin) Selection Highgrade Documents Documents Available downloads Download TADDatasheet_7025WA_Version 10 Reviews 10 Read, write and discuss reviews more Close menu Customer evaluation for "7025 WA TAD HIGHGRADE Premium Selected" From Mark Kinney On 5 Oct 18 Wow this valve is great in the v1 gain for
· Warm, fat tone that is signature of the Chinese tubes, these are selected Shuguang 9th generation 12AX7's Great for all musical genres Not graded or guaranteed for any V1 spot Also known as the Groove Tubes 12AX7C, and Ruby 12AX7AC5 Order Shugua · The difference between a 12ax7 and a 12ax7a has to do with the way the heaters are wired The 12ax7 can only be used in circuits where the heater circuit is wired in parallel, the 12ax7a can be used in series or parallel heater circuits In modern gear you're unlikely to run into series heater circuits where your nona 12ax7s won't work I think the 7025 designation was for 12ax7 · 12AX7 the original version of this tube This can only be used in parallel filament circuits This is not a big deal as virtually all audio equipment is of a parallel filament design These often have large rectangular plates with several horizontal ribs The older versions have blackplates, which are often preferred by audiophiles 12AX7A This version can be used in series or parallel
V1 Genalex Gold Lion 12AX7 (#4403) V2 TAD 7025 S "Mullard style" (gehört ins ThomannSortiment ;) V3 TAD JJ 12AU7/ECC (#) Der Trick mit der schwächeren ECC als V3(Phaseninverter) wurde laut PremierGuitarArtikel schon bei den AC100Amps der Beatles für mehr Headroom eingesetzt funktioniert top!A custom 12AX7 switching box was constructed to allow for a quick switch comparison of six tubes at a time while plugged into the V1 socket of a Marshall JCM800 23 guitar amplifier A separate filament transformer was used on the switching box to simultaneously heat all six comparison tube filaments without overheating the amplifier's power transformer A shielded cable was · The 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 all belong to the same family of nine contact, twin triode tubes In many cases, these tubes are interchangeable and can easily be swapped We will take a look at why you might, or might not, want to swap out these different types of tubes The 12AX7 The 12AX7 is by far the bestknown preamp tube among guitar players It has a gain

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ECC/ 7025HARMA DR250 Harma Valves The Harma 7025 STR DR250 is a close sounding recreation of the famous USA made 7025 valveThe valve supplies a · The 12Ax7 tube is by far the most popular preamp tube used in guitar amplifiers If you own a tube amp, there's a good chance it has one or more 12Ax7 tubes running the preamp section If you need to replace your 12Ax7 tubes, you will undoubtedly come across the ECC tube This can lead to quite a bit of confusion and uncertainty about which one to purchase Some people might worry about whether or not you can substitute the ECC for a 12Ax71509 · The biggest difference between these power tubes is the amount of gain they will provide The 12AX7 has a gain factor of 100, while the 12AT7 has 60 The 12AU7 has the smallest, at just The lower gain of the 12AT7 and 12AU7 also allows them to have a higher headroom, which can provide a warmer and cleaner sound

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Next 1 of 3 Go to page Go Next Last JohnnyGoo Ambassador of Chill Moderator Joined Dec 5, 16 Messages 9,065 Reaction score 16,367 Location NW Oregon Feb 3, 17 #1 Ok so i got 3 small amps that use the 12AX7 tubewell they all 3 break up fairly early and what i was wondering if · Es gibt einmal die USMilitärBezeichnung 7025, dann die ZUSZiviel Bezeichnung 12AX7 und dann die Grwat Britain Bezeichnung EXX Schaltungstechnisch sind das alles die gleichen Röhren Nur hat jede "Institutution" andere Vorgaben und Ansprüche So haben die 7025 untereinander eine relative geringe Streuung und wenig Toleranzen in den Messwerten Wenn Du eine 702512AX7 Japan Japanese Made 12AX7/7025 NEW (NOS) Raytheon, Westinghouse, Lindal, etc These are decent quality general purpose 12AX7's Tested good for transconductance $ ea 12AX7 Misc General Purpose 12AX7 General Purpose, Misc NEW (NOS) These are decent general purpose 12AX7's for noncritical applications Various brand names and countries of origin

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Be in the know that 12AX7, ECC, 7025, 5751, 12AX7A, and 12AX7B have nearly the same features the different labeling notwithstanding For instance, the ECC tag was used by manufacturers in Europe while the 12AX7 label was applied by North American manufacturers Then again, the 7025 tubes were promoted as an advanced version of 12AX7 in the 1960s and 1970s Whether you will choose a 12AX7 · Recording using an RME Fireface 400 and Pro Tools 10Signal chain as Follows Fender Jazzmaster HH Blacktop Special Edition, MIM Tone knob 10, Volume KnoHttp//wwwthetubestorecom/Tubes/12AX7ECCTubeTypes/PreferredSeriesAX7The Preferred Series 7025 is a high quality 12AX7 tube type This tube is This tube is

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Sovtek 12AX7LPS We need a mention the fourth member of the Sovtek 12AX7 family It is the Sovtek 12AX7LPS This is a long plate valve so has a very rich tonePreferred Series 7025 / 12AX7 A great sounding 12AX7 tube type that reminds me a little more of the ECC that EI made in the old days That's a pretty nice compliment I compared this tube against an old EI and Telefunken smooth plate and there was very little difference Lots of gain with a rather low noise floor No microphonics issues at all Very good considering the large plate size · 12AX7 Vs The ECC If you have ever opened up your amplifier expecting to find a 12AX7 but found some ECCs instead fear not!

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12AX7 / ECC / 7025 12AX7 tubes are the most popular tube of all They are found in the preamp section of almost every guitar and hifi amp These tiny tubes have a huge impact on tone since they are the first tube in the signal chain Sort by12AX7, 7025 ECL86 Endstufenröhre 6GW8, CV97 GZ34 ZweiwegGleichrichter 5U4, 5AR4 QE06/50 807 Seite zum Suchen von Vergleichtstypen Verstärkerrohren im Online Shop 50, 50A, 50F, 50W Unterschiede Alle 50 sind mit 6,3V und 0,6A (nahezu) elektrisch gleich und daher beliebig austauschbar Es gibt jedoch unterschiedliche Bauformen, die mittelsThe 12AX7 is by far the most common out of all preamp tubes Also known as the ECC or the 7025, it is a dual triode tube that has the highest voltage gain of all preamp tubes, with a mu of 100 Widely used across guitar amplifiers and hifi applications For less gain, you can replace a 12AX7 with 5751, 12AT7, or a 12AY7

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LONG PLATES VS SHORT PLATES The 12AX7/ECC comes in two main types (with some exceptions) 17mm Long Plates and 14mm Short Plates It is important to know the differences between these tubes, since sound and performance can differ greatly between the two types Long plate 12AX7s were the first tubes of this type ever produced These include tubes by such7025 is a low microphony noise version of 12AX7 7025 is a 12AX7 that doesn't pick up vibration noise Vintage Fender amps used 7025 in high gain stages to avoid unwanted feedback and noise Current production 12AX7 tubes are always used in audio or guitar amps, and they are designed to be equal to or better than the original 7025 tubes Some current production tubes are marked as 7025 · Jul 31, 01 Messages 2,8 In the old days, a 7025 was a 12AX7 that was selected for it's lower noise level Other than being quieter, they are no different from a "regular" 12AX7, ECC, etc Jul 28, 05 #4

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There is actually no difference between the tubes except for the name and place of manufacture The 12AX7 label is what was used when the tube type was manufactured in North America Today there are no factories in North America making · Posted by John Templeton on March 10, 16 in 12AX7, 7025 and 5751 Tubes 2,911 Views Leave a response Review – JJ ECCMG / 12AX7 John Templeton March 10, 16 37 Ratings Microphonics Noise Detail and Dynamics 37 Summary This should be on your short list The JJ ECCMG is a fine sounding tube I was unable to notice a loudness reduction comparedThe ECC (12AX7) Valve A common question is "What is the difference between a 7025 Valve and an ECC valve?" The answer is simple In 'theory' you'll get a bit lower noise and lower hum with a 7025 Otherwise, they are identical Whether you will actually hear the difference is

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The TAD 7025S worked perfectly! · Hello all, I was wondering about your opinions on the 12AX7type preamp tubes My current scratch built amp is using old, used 12AX7 tubes, but I recently noticed Fender specifies 7025/12AX7A tubes in their later amps The 7025 and 12AX7A data sheets both say "For highfidelity audioamplifer applications critical as to noise and hum"Some are labeled for Fender or Amperex but are GE 1960s made $5000 in stock 12AX7

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· The 7025 is allegedly a lownoise 12AX7 The best 12AX7 is probably quieter than the noisiest 7025 but it's the same tubeThe earliest mention of the 7025 I found was mid 1958 The 12AX7A seems to have appeared in 1960 Both of these were lower noise versions of the 12AX7 A patent (USA 2,867,032 ) for a helically wound heater was filed in 1950 by Gehrke, Huntington, and Granger, assigned toInteresting notes I have heard that ECC803S tubes (12AX7's on Steroids) are great for guitar amps because they have a spiral filament for reduced

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· So much in fact that a lot of 12AX7A's were labeled 7025's (a very quiet version of the 12AX7) So the bottom line is that you can use either of these tubes in your Marshall amp It's just that an NOS 12AX7A tube is considered to be premium over the 12AX7 MartyStrat54, Mar 28, 10 #2 MajorNut1967 New Member Joined Jul 30, 09 Messages 3,8 Likes Received 338 Oh · The chain of 12AX7's start to break up As a result the El34's in the Laney example get a big final push from the preamp stages The lovely hard rock tone magically appears! · Röhren mit voller Kompatibilität zur 12AX7 bzw ECC 12AX7 und ECC sind zwei Typenbezeichnungen für im Grunde gleiche Röhren, dh mit gleicher Pinbelegung und gleichen elektrischen Daten Aufgrund deren Popularität ist es nicht verwunderlich, daß in einigen Ländern bzw bei einigen Herstellern andere Typenbezeichnungen verwendet wurden, obwohl die jeweiligen Röhren 100% kompatibel zur 12AX7

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ECC/ 7025ELECTRO HARMONIX Electro Harmonix Electro Harmonix 7025 is a low noise, low microphonic version of the 12AX7 that meets all specifications required for In stock £1250 Buy Now;ECCS 12AX7, 7025 ECCS is 12AX7 high gain preamplifying double triode Thanks to its design it also peforms with very low noise and microphonics Harmonically rich, with a detailed low end and a warm high end7025 * * * * The 7025 has a higher gain than a 12AX7 tube It is also a crisper sounding tube This is the industrial version of the 12AX7 You can beat the crap out of it and it will still go!

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ECC12AXSL7 Mullard CV4004 ECC NOS rare box anodes matched pair For sale is offered a rare pare of Mullard CV4004 ECC tubes with box anodes in NOS condition and NOS testing 1,2/1,2 mA and 1600/1600 uMhos both tubes so nicely balanced with original Mullard boxes Very rare and one of the best sounding ECC types € 500,00 / incl VAT, shipping costs12AX7 / ECC / 7025 RCA developed the 12AX7 tube in the 1940s for general purpose amplification Today, 12AX7 is the most common preamp tube used in guitar and audio amp due to its high amplification factor (mu) We carry a large selection of 12AX7 tubes to help you get the right sonic from your gearNew Gain Matched Sextet (6) JJ Electronics Tesla 12AX7 ECCS Vacuum Tubes 50 out of 5 stars 2 $ $ 126 77 $25 shipping Groove Tubes GT12AY7 GT12AY7 Select Preamp Tube G 49 out of 5 stars 9 $4233 $ 42 33 $4616 $4616 Get it by Wednesday, Jun 23 FREE Shipping by Amazon TungSol 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube, Single 50 out of 5 stars 6

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The TAD is VERY quiet, cleaned up the low end bloom and added warmth and more balance /presence to the highs The right amount of clean gain for bass IMHO Slightly taller than the Ruby & Tubestore 12AX7 Most likely not the best 12AX7 for guitar high gain Excellent choice for clean bass and guitar tone or mic preamp · both 7025 and 12AX7A came in short and longplate versions both 7025 and 12AX7A came in black and grayplate versions not all 7025 are electrically equivalent to a lowhum 12AX7A There was a "7025A" that operated identically to the 12AX7ADie TungSol begünstigt insgesamt einen transparenten Zerrsound mit viel Gain, spürbar mehr als zB die Sovtek 7025 / 12AX7 WB Sie hat keine zurückgenommenen Mitten wie diese, engt aber das Frequenzband andererseits nicht ein wie die JJ ECCS, die im Vergleich sehr mittig rüberkam Insgesamt ein ausgeglichener Ton mit Tendenz zur Bissigkeit Auch in zweiter oder dritter

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